When Bill Maher talks, people listen. If you didn’t know, he is the HBO host for the show Real Time with Bill Maher since 2003, his venue to air his political comments. Maher is quite famous for his sociopolitical commentary on issues in the US. He has also supported animal rights and has been on the board of PETA since 1997. The host was also ranked 38 on the list of the greatest stand-up comedians of all time back in 2005.

Because of his stressful work, Maher would typically take a vacation near the water to relax. So he decided to purchase a $1 million Catalina Island condo as his vacation home. It is not that big, but this island in California is his sanctuary during the winter months. The high roofing and the unit’s two bedrooms are good enough for the host. Add the sea breeze to that, and Maher is in heaven.
